La collection Grégoire

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La collection Grégoire
« il: Marzo 06, 2014, 12:21:23 pm »
Edita da  Institut pour l’histoire de l’aluminium / parSophie Pehlivanian
Chargée de mission patrimoine et communication à l’Institut pour l’histoire de l’aluminium, doctorante à l’Université de Savoie / In charge of heritage and communication at the Institute for the History of Aluminium, PhD candidate at the University of Savoie
questa rivista che esce semestralmente ci parla di questo ingegnere inventore (come sembra amasse definirsi) che assieme all'amico Pierre Fanaille realizzo il primo giunto omocinetico detto anche "giunto Tracta" dalla casa automobilistica che i due fondarono insieme e che promuoveva soluzioni all'avanguardia come la trazione anteriore della quale si innamorò poi Citroen. Dopo la chiusura della Tracta e grazie alla sua collaborazione con l'Amilcar nacque l'Amilcar Compound, una delle auto più innovative degli anni trenta.

Fu un pioniere dell'uso dell'alluminio nell'industria automobilistica e chissà che questo articolo non regali qualche aneddoto relativo alla collaborazione con casa Citroen, una delle tante con cui collaborava all'innovazione tecnologica.

From the 1920’s to the 1970’s, engineer Jean-Albert Grégoire built his career as an independent inventor and researcher working for the car industry. In parallel, he built up a collection of vehicles – both prototypes and production vehicles – which had incorporated his innovations, as well as other objects linked to the automobile world. This collection, now the property of the Institute for the History of Aluminium, is witness to the engineer’s technical inventiveness. It is an essential tool for understanding his research into front-wheel drive, his efforts in adapting aluminium to car construction and his pioneering experiments in the field of electric cars. It also bears witness to this precursor’s early awareness of road safety and energy conservation issues.
La Collection Grégoire - Institut pour l’histoire de l’aluminium : un point de vue original sur l’histoire de l’automobile
L’ingénieur Jean-Albert Grégoire a mené entre les années 1920 et les années 1970 une carrière de chercheur et d’inventeur indépendant au service de l’industrie automobile. Il a constitué une collection de véhicules - prototypes et véhicules de série - utilisant ses innovations, ainsi que d’objets en rapport avec le monde de l’automobile. Cette collection, désormais propriété de l’Institut pour l’histoire de l’aluminium, témoigne des inventions techniques de l’ingénieur. Elle permet d’appréhender ses recherches dans le domaine de la traction-avant, ses efforts pour adapter l’aluminium à l’automobile, ses expérimentations pionnières dans le domaine des voitures électriques. Elle témoigne également de la richesse des intérêts d’un homme immergé dans le milieu de l’automobile français. Elle rend compte enfin de son intérêt précoce pour les questions de sécurité routière et d’économie d’énergie.
Plan de l'article

Jean-Albert Grégoire, “the automobile engineer”
The story of a collection
The Tracta joint and the beginnings of front-wheel drive
Aluminium, a solution for the automobile
Greater comfort in lighter cars
A far-sighted engineer: Living without petrol and Too many deaths on our roads

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« Ultima modifica: Marzo 06, 2014, 12:33:28 pm da IDcronio »