un bel filmato di un viaggio tra le montagne rocciose canadesi a bordo di una DS Break del '71:This time we're taking this old Citroen on a scenic road trip through the Canadian Rocky Mountains. I saw a video from car and driver, and I thought it was bullshit the way they portrayed Citroens as unreliable, when all they had to do was a little maintenance and the car would have been fine. I decided to put my money where my mouth is and attempt a long-distance road trip in my even older Citroen. I took no crew, no trailer, and no ugly Escalade to pull myself around if it went wrong. I hope you enjoy this little video of my adventure; Stella and I had a great time! A special thank-you to the lovely Michelle and Julia for the help filming this video! Thanks for checking it out!
che invidia...
gia'... bei posti per fare dei km in tranquillita' godendosi il panorama senza stress...un'utopia qui da noi
Questo lo posto solamente per Adohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqmdClE-eqg&feature=youtu.be
minkia come viaggia il semi
Uhm...Bello questo video.Ha l'aria condizionata ed è a carburatore.Sembrerebbe una 23 Pallas, carburatore.Bravo l'omino però.