Non lo so nemmeno io, ma credo sia, nel caso della certificazione pura e semplice (quella da 60 € per intenderci)
un foglio dove ti spiegano che la tua auto, quella col numero di telaio che tu comunichi loro, sia stata costruita il.....
e abbia il motore N° .....
Per il "Leggendario Cofanetto" invece, oltre alla già citata certificazione hai un "Diploma" e un DVD.
Non credo per tutte le DS. Solo quelle costruite in Francia e non prima del....
Information: We can provide you the original colour and the name of the dealership of your vintage car only if this one was built after 1972, not before. At least we have the production books.
Attention : CITROËN HERITAGE never provides a certificate for a car with a Belgian, Portuguese, British, Asia, African, Spanish serial number.
If one of the number (VIN, engine, bodyshell) is missing, this is forever.
We only confirm where does come from the numbers provided by the customers.
The Coffret Légende costs 105€.
In order to fully research all relevant information and to issue a date certificate for your vintage vehicle or a certificate of conformity (please tell us your choice), we require:
· a copy of the certificate of ownership and/or the sale or transfer document (any official document that proves that you own the vehicle)
· a photo of the vehicle or the registration number plates
· any numbers found on the vehicle (bodyshell, bodywork, engine, etc.), if you require the corresponding confirmation
· a cheque or standing order payable to Automobiles Citroën
· your postal adress to receive your order.
Please send to the address below:
PSA Peugeot Citroën Automobiles
Bd André Citroën BP 13
93601 Aulnay-sous-bois cedex
You will find in these documents in enclosure the description of all our CATALOGUE OF DOCUMENTATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES and the order form.
You can appreciate too our documentary files and the new campaign of subscription to the reissue of this collection.
If you want to pay with a transfer order
1. Please write on the transfer order the words "Attestation 027105M" to explain the reason for this payment so that the accounting service of PSA knows it is in respect of the Citroën Conservatory.
2. Please send me a copy of the transfer order because I won't see it in my database.
3. After we have provided proof of your vehicle’s date, the accounting service will send you a bill to prove you have paid.
Guillaume KELLER
Assistant archiviste